Bunyi jantung ada :
Bunyi jantung utama : Bunyi jantung I, bunyi jantung II, bunyi jantung III, bunyi jantung IV
Bunyi jantung tambahan dapat berupa bunyi detik ejeksi (ejection click) yaitu bunyi yang terdengar bila ejeksi ventrikel terjadi dengan kekuatan yang lebih besar misalnya beban sistolik ventrikel kiri yang meninggi. Bunyi detak pembukaan katup (opening snap) terdengar bila pembukaan katup mitral terjadi dengan kekuatan yang lebih besar dari normal dan terbukanya sedikit melambat dari biasa, misalnya pada stenosis mitral.
Bunyi Jantung Utama
Bunyi jantung I ditimbulkan karena kontraksi yang mendadak terjadi di awal sistolik mereganggnya daun-daun katup mitral dan trikuspid yang mendadak akibat tekanan dalam ventrikel yang meningkat dengan cepat, meregangnya dengan tiba-tiba chordae tendinea yang memfiksasi daun-daun katup yang telah menutup dengan sempurna, dan getaran kolom darah dalam outflow tract (jalur keluar) ventrikel kiri dan dinding pangkal aorta dengan sejumlah dasra yang ada di dalamnya. Bunyi jantung I terdiri dari komponen mitral dan trikuspidal.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensitas bunyi jantung I, yaitu :
a. Kekuatan dan kecepatan kontraksi otot ventrikel, makin kuat dan cepat, makin keras bunyinya.
b. Posisi daun katup atrioventrikular pada saat sebelum kontraksi ventrikel. makin dekat terhadap posisi tertutup, makin kecil kesempatan akselerasi darah yang keluar dari ventrikel, dan makin pelan terdengarnya bunyi jantung I, dan sebaliknya makin lebar terbukanya katup atrioventrikular sebelum kontraksi, makin keras bunyi jantung I, karena akselerasi darah dan gerakan katup lebih cepat.
c. Jarak jantung terhadap dinding dada. pada pasein dengan dada kurus, bunyi jantung lebih keras terdengar dibandngkan pasien gemuk dengan bunyi jantung yang terdengar lebih lemah. Demikian juga pada pasien emfisema pulmonum bunyi jantung terdengar lebih lemah.
Bunyi jantung II ditimbulkan karena vibrasi akibat penutupan katup aorta (komponen aorta), penutupan katup pulmonal (komponen pulmonal), perlambatan aliran yang mendadak dari darrah pada akhir ejeksi sistolik, dan benturan balik dari kolom darah pada pangkal aorta dan membentup katup aorta yang baru tertutup rapat.. Bunyi jantung II terdiri dari komponen aorta dan pulmonal.
Pada bunyi jantung II, komponen aorta lebih keras terdengar pada aortic area komponen pulmonal hanya dapat terdengar keras di area pulmonal, di sebelah kanan sternum pada ruang interkostal II kanan.
Kegiatan fisis akan memeprkeras buni jantung II (aorta dan pulmonal), inspirasi cenderung memperkeras pulmonal (P2) dan ekspirasi cenderung memperkeras aorta (A2). Pada inspirasi P2 terdengar sesudah A2 karena ejeksi ventrikel kanan berlangsung lebih lama daripada ejeksi pada ventrikel kiri pada inspirasi.
Pada keadaan fisiologis, pada inspirasi, kembalinya darah ke dalam ventrikel kanan menjadi lebih lama. keadaan ini disebut physiological splitting (bunnyi terbelah yang terjadi secara fisiologis). Pada ekspirasi, masa ejeksi ventrikel kanan sama dengan masa ejeksi ventrikel kiri sehingga P2 terdengar bertepatan dengan A2. Pada hipertensi sistemik, bunyi A2 mengeras, sedangkan pada hipertensi pulmonal, bunyi P2 mengeras.
Bunyi jantung III terdengar karena pengisian ventrikel yang cepat (rapid filling phase). Vibrasi yang ditimbulkan adalah akibat percepatan aliran yang mendadak pada pengisian ventrikel karena relaksasi aktif ventrikel kiri dan kanan dan segera disusul oleh perlambatan aliran pengisian.
Bunyi jantung IV : dapat terdengar terdengar bila kontraksi atrium terjadi dengan kekuatan yang lebih besar, misalnya pada keadaan tekanan akhir diastol dan ventrikel yang meninggi sehingga memerlukan dorongan pengisian yang lebih keras dengan bantuan kontraksi atrium yang lebih kuat.
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
Kriteria Diagnosis Elektrokardiografi (EKG) part 1
Jujur saja, EKG adalah salah satu pelajaran memusingkan selain farmakologi *yang lain2 juga semua sama aja bikin pusing :P* mari kita coba refreshing tentang EKG kali ini.
Sebelumnya saya berterima kasih kepada buku saku Internoid Tosca Enterprise : Hanifah Mirzanie, Leksana, Agung Waluyo Slamet, Dina Kartika Sari, Dewiyana Indah Widasari, saya minta izin ambil referensinya dan menyalin ulang dari sini ya :)
Normal sinus rhytm harus memnuhi 5 syarat, yaitu :
a. P wave berasal dari sinus (P positif di II dan negatif di aVR)
b. PR normal
c. Konfigurasi P wave tetap
d. Frekuensi 60-100 kali per menit
e. Interval RR atau PP tetap (variasi < terhitung =" QT"> 0,42 detik, berarti QT memanjang
QT-c memanjang : efek Quinidin, hipokalsemia
QT-c memendek : efek digitalis, hiperkalsemia
Kriteria Right Atrial Hypertrophy
a. Tall anda peaked P wave, di II, III, dan aVF
b. Positive component P wave di Vi dan V2 dengan amplitudo > 2mm
Syarat Left Atrial Hypertrophy
a. Wide dan notched P wave di I, II, dan aVL
b. Prominent negative komponen P wave di V1 dan V2
c. AF kasar (F wave di V1 dan V2 amplitudo > 1 mm)
Kriteria Left Ventrikel Hypertrophy (LVH)
a. R di V5 atau R di V6 > 26 mm
b. R di lead I > 15 mm
c. R di aVL . 13 mm atau R di lead II, III, atau aVF > 20 mm
d. Strain pattern (ST depressed dan T inverted) di V5, V6, lead I, dan lead II
e. S di V1 + R di V5 atau R di V6 > 35 mm
f. R di lead I + S di lead III > 25 mm
g. VAT di V5 dan V6 > 0,045
Kriteria Right Ventrikel Hypertrophy (RVH)
a. RAD (+90 s/d +270) di buku lain ada yang menyebutkan > +110
b. Wide S di lead I, di aVL, dan atau persistent S di V4 dan V6
c. Strain pattern (ST depressed dan T inverted) di V1, V3, lead II, dan lead III
d. R di V1 atau qR di V1 atau R/s > 1 di V1
e. S1, S2, S3 pattern di standard lead
segini dulu ^_^
Sebelumnya saya berterima kasih kepada buku saku Internoid Tosca Enterprise : Hanifah Mirzanie, Leksana, Agung Waluyo Slamet, Dina Kartika Sari, Dewiyana Indah Widasari, saya minta izin ambil referensinya dan menyalin ulang dari sini ya :)
Normal sinus rhytm harus memnuhi 5 syarat, yaitu :
a. P wave berasal dari sinus (P positif di II dan negatif di aVR)
b. PR normal
c. Konfigurasi P wave tetap
d. Frekuensi 60-100 kali per menit
e. Interval RR atau PP tetap (variasi < terhitung =" QT"> 0,42 detik, berarti QT memanjang
QT-c memanjang : efek Quinidin, hipokalsemia
QT-c memendek : efek digitalis, hiperkalsemia
Kriteria Right Atrial Hypertrophy
a. Tall anda peaked P wave, di II, III, dan aVF
b. Positive component P wave di Vi dan V2 dengan amplitudo > 2mm
Syarat Left Atrial Hypertrophy
a. Wide dan notched P wave di I, II, dan aVL
b. Prominent negative komponen P wave di V1 dan V2
c. AF kasar (F wave di V1 dan V2 amplitudo > 1 mm)
Kriteria Left Ventrikel Hypertrophy (LVH)
a. R di V5 atau R di V6 > 26 mm
b. R di lead I > 15 mm
c. R di aVL . 13 mm atau R di lead II, III, atau aVF > 20 mm
d. Strain pattern (ST depressed dan T inverted) di V5, V6, lead I, dan lead II
e. S di V1 + R di V5 atau R di V6 > 35 mm
f. R di lead I + S di lead III > 25 mm
g. VAT di V5 dan V6 > 0,045
Kriteria Right Ventrikel Hypertrophy (RVH)
a. RAD (+90 s/d +270) di buku lain ada yang menyebutkan > +110
b. Wide S di lead I, di aVL, dan atau persistent S di V4 dan V6
c. Strain pattern (ST depressed dan T inverted) di V1, V3, lead II, dan lead III
d. R di V1 atau qR di V1 atau R/s > 1 di V1
e. S1, S2, S3 pattern di standard lead
segini dulu ^_^
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Atrial Septal Defect
ASD merupakan keadaan defek pada bagian septum antar atrium sehingga ada komunikasi langsung atrium kiri dan kanan, menurut lokasi :
a. ASD sekundum, defeknya pada fosa ovalis, meskipun sesungguhnya fosa ovalis merupakan septum primum
b. ASD dengan defek sinuns venosus.defek terjadi dekat muara vena kava superior, sehingga terjadi koneksi biatrial. Sering vena pulmonalis dari paru kanan juga mengalami anomaly, di mana vena tersebut bermuara ke vena kava superior dekat muaranya di atrium. Dapat juga terjadi defek sinus venosus type kava inferior, dengan lokasi di bawah foramen ovale dan bergabung dengan dasar vena kava inferior.
c. ASD primum, merupakan bagian dari defek septum atrioventrikular dan pada bagian atas berbatas dengan fosa ovalis sedangkan bagian bawah katup atrioventrikular
Akibat yang ditimbulkan karena ASD tergantung besar dan lama pirau serta resistensi vascular paru. Ukuran defek tidak banyak berperan dalam besaran arah dan pirau. Ventrikel kanan lebih tipis dan akomodatif. Arah aliran dari atrium kiri dan atrium kanan akan menuju ventrikel kanan. Sementara volume di atrium dan ventrikel kirijadi tetap atau menurun. Terjadi perubahan konfigurasi diastole di ventrikel kiri karena septum ventrikel mencembung ke kiri.
Pemeriksaan Fisik
Asimptomatik, gambaran diagnosis tidak khas. ASD type sekundum paling sering ditemukan.
Keuhan awal : sesak nafas dan rasa capek, ada takiaritmia atrium.
Ditemukan pulsasi ventrikel kanan pada parasternal kanan. Wide fixed splitting bunyi jantung kedua tidak selalu ada. Bising sistolik type ejeksi pada daerah pulmonal pada garis sterna kiri atas. Bising mid diastolic pada daerah tricuspid, dapat menyebar ke apeks. Bunyi jantung kedua mengeras di daerah pulmonal, karena kenaikan tekanan pulmonal. Bising-bising pada ASD ini bising fungsional. Karena beban volume yang besar pada bagian jantung di kanan. Sianosis jarang ditemukan kecuali : defek besar (common atrium), defek sinus koronarius, kelainan vascular paru, stenosis pulmonal, atau ada disertai anomaly ebstein.
Dipengaruhi factor keluhan, umur, ukuran, dan anatomi defek, ada kelainan yang menyertai, tekanan arteri pulmonal, serta resistensi vascular paru.
Indikasi penutupan ASD :
- pembesaran janutng pada foto toraks, dilatasi ventrikel kanan, kenaikan tekanan arteri pulmonalis 50% atau kurang dari tekanan aorta, tanpa mempertimbangkan keluhan. Prognosis penutupan ASD sangat baik disbanding dengan pengobatan medikamentosa. Pada kelompok umur 40 tahun ke atas harus dipertimbangkan terjadinya aritmia atrial, apalagi bila sebelumnya telah ditemui adanya gangguan irama. Pada kelompok ini perlu dipertimbangkan ablasi perkutan atau ablasi operatif pada saatpenutupan ASD.
- Adanya riwayat iskemik transient atau stroke pada ASD atau foramen ovale persisten
Operasi merupakan kontraindikasi bila terjadi kenaikan resistensi vascular paru 7-8 unit, atau ukuran defek kurang dari 8 mm tanpa adanya keluhan dan pembesaran jantung kanan.
Tindakan penutupan dapat dilakukan dengan operasi terutama untuk defek yang sangat besaar lebih dari 40 mm, atau type ASD selain type sekundum.
Untuk ASD sekundum, dengan ukuran defek lebih kecil dari 40 mm harus dipertimbangkan penutupan dengan kateter dengan menggunakan Amplatzer Septal occlude (ASO). Masih dibutuhkan evaluasi jangka panjang untuk menetukan kejadian aritmia dan kompilikasi tromoemboli.
Jumat, 21 Mei 2010
Merupakan kelainan jantung di mana terjadi defek sekat antarventrikel pada berbagai lokasi. Merupakan kelainan congenital tersering sesudah kelainan aorta bikuspidalis, sekitar 20%. Tidak ada perbedaan kejadian antara laki-laki dan perempuan.
Klasifikasi ditentukan lokasi defek relative pada 4 komponen lokasi septum
a. Perimebranous. Paling sering ditemukan. Ada gambaran defisiensi dari membrane septum langsung di bawah katup aorta.
b. Muscular, defek dibatasi oleh daerah otot
c. Double committed subarterial ventricular septal defect. Sebagian dari batas defek dibentuk oleh terusan jaringan ikat katup aorta dan pulmonal.
Pada VSD, aliran darah dari ventrikel kiri menuju ventrikel terjadi percampuran darah arteri dan vena tanpa sianosis.
Ukuran dan besar defek menentukan akibat fisiologis dan pengukurannya dilakukan dengan ekokardiografi :
a. Pada VSD kecil (maladie de Roger). Ukuran defek lebih kecil dari 1/3 anulus aorta, terjadi gradient yang signifikan antara ventrikel kiri dan kanan (> 64 mmHg). Defek seperti ini disebut restriktif, dengan berbagai variasi aliran dari kiri ke kanan. Tekanan sistol ventrikel kanan dan resitensi pulmonal normal.
b. VSD moderat dengan restriksi, gradein berkisar 36 mmHg, besar defek sekitar ½ annulus aorta. Awalnya derajat aliran dari kiri ke kanan bersifat sedang berat. Resistensi vascular paru dapat menignkat. Tekanan sistolik ventrikel dapat meningkat walaupun tidak melampaui tekanan sistemik. Ukuran atrium dan ventrikel kiri dapat membesar akibat bertambahnya beban volume.
c. Pada VSD besar non restriktif, tekanan sistol ventrikel kiri dan kanan sama. Sebagian besar pasien akan mengalami perubahan vascular paru yang menetap dalam waktu satu atau dua tahun kehidupan. Dengan waktu terjadi penurunan aliran dari kiri ke kanan, bahkan terjadi aliran dari kanan ke kiri, yang dikenal sebgai fisiologi Eisenmenger.
Gambaran klinis
Tergantung ukuran defek dan umur saat ditemukan, pada VSD kecil, terdengar bising pansistolik. Defek kecil bersifa benigna dan dapat menutup spontan tergantung typenya dan biasanya tidak mengganggu pertumbuhan. Pada VSD besar dapat disertai sesak nafas dan gangguan pertumbuhan oleh karena meningkatanya aliran pulmonal.
Pemeriksaan fisik : oksimetri, saturasi oksigen normal, kecuali bila ada kompleks eisenmenger.
EKG . dapat ditemukan gelombang melebar P pada atrium kiri yang membesar, atau gelombang Q dalam dan R tinggi pada daerah lateral. Adanya gelombang R tinggi pada V1 dan perubahan pada aksis ke kanan menunjukkan hipertrofi ventrikel kanan dan hipertensi pulmonal.
Penatalaksanaan. Tujuannya untuk mencegah timbulnya kelaianan vascular paru yang eprmanen, untuk mempertahankan fungsi atrium dan ventrikel kiri, sera mencegah kejadian endokarditis infeksitf. Defek kecil biasanya disertai thrill pada garis sterna kiri sela iga keepat. Bising bersifat holosistolik, tetapi dapat juga pendek.
Selasa, 18 Mei 2010
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogi Fallot merupakan penyebab paling sering dari “bayi biru” di mana sebagian besar darah gagal mengalir melalui paru-paru dank arena itu, darah terutama masih darah vena yang tidak teroksigenasi. Terjadi malformasi yang terdiri dari stenosis katup pulmonal (umumnya stenosis subfundibular), defek septum ventrikel, deviasi katup aorta ke kanan sehingga kedua ventrikel bermuara ke aorta (overriding aorta),dan hipertrofi ventrikel kanan.
Dalam kondisi ini terjadi empat macam kelainan jantung yang terjadi secara bersamaan :
1. Darah aorta berasal dari ventrikel kanan bukan dari kiri, atau dari sebuah lubang pada septum, sehingga menerima darah dari kedua ventrikel
2. Arteri pulmonal mengalami stenosis, sehingga darah yang mengalir dari ventrikel kanan ke paru-paru jauh lebih sedikit dari normal, darah masuk ke aorta.
3. Darah dari ventrikel kiri mengalir ke ventrikel kanan melalui lubang septum ventrikel dan kemudian ke aorta atau langsung ke aorta, mengabaikan lubang ini.
4. Karena jantung bagian kanan harus memompa sejumlah besar darah ke dalam aorta yang bertekanan tinggi, otot-ototnya akan sangat berkembang, seingga terjadi pembesaran ventrikel kanan
Sebanyak 75% darah vena yang kembali ke jantung dapat melintas langsung dari ventrikel kanan ke aorta tanpa mengalami oksigenasi.
Diagnosis tetralogi fallot biasanya berdasarkan atas :
1. Bayi sianotik
2. Tekanan sistolik ventrikel kanan tinggi sewaktu dilakukan perekaman dengan kateterisasi
3. Terdapat perubahan khas pada gambar radiologi jantung yang menunjukkan pembesaran ventrikel kanan.
4. Angiogram (gambaran sinar X) menunjukkan aliran darah abnormal yang melalui lubang septum intraventrikel dan masuk ke dalam aorta dan terdapat sedikit aliran melalui arteri pulmonal yang stenosis
Gambaran Klinis
Perubahan fisiologis yang terjadi tergantung dari variable, derajat obstruksi pulmonal, dan resistensi vascular sistemik. Sebagian besar pasien mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan, kadang terjadi sirkulasi kolateral keparu sehingga dapat mempertahankan pertumbuhan. Sianosis yang terjadi simetris, akibat pirau dari ventrikel kanan ke kiri melalui defek besar yang nonrestriktif.
Operasis reparasi biasanya dilakukan pada masa anak-anak, namun dapat saja ditemukan pada dewasa muda tanpa tindakan operasi sebelumnya.
Bentuk operasi adalah penutupan defek septum ventrikel dan menghilangkan obstruksi pulmonal. Upaya menghilangkan obstruksi ini dapat melui valvulotomi pulmonal, reseksi otot infudimbulum pada muara pulmonal, implantasi katup pulmonal baik homograft atau biprostese, atau operasi pintas ekstra kardiak antara ventrikel kanan dan arteri pulmonalis dan dapat pula dilakukan angioplasty pada arteri pulmonalis sentral.
Terapi medikamentosa, mencakup pemakaian antibiotika untuk mencegah endokarditis, penghambat beta untuk menurunkan frekuensi denyut jantung sehingga dapat menghindari spell dan bila diperlukan dilakukan flebotomi.
Referensi :
Guyton & Hall. Fisiologi Kedokteran, EGC : 1997
Langman, Embriologi Kedokteran
Moss. Jakarta : Pusat Penerbitan and Adams, Heart Diseases in Infant, Children, and Adolescents, Lippincot, 2008
PAPDI (Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam Indonesia). 2007. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Dalam kondisi ini terjadi empat macam kelainan jantung yang terjadi secara bersamaan :
1. Darah aorta berasal dari ventrikel kanan bukan dari kiri, atau dari sebuah lubang pada septum, sehingga menerima darah dari kedua ventrikel
2. Arteri pulmonal mengalami stenosis, sehingga darah yang mengalir dari ventrikel kanan ke paru-paru jauh lebih sedikit dari normal, darah masuk ke aorta.
3. Darah dari ventrikel kiri mengalir ke ventrikel kanan melalui lubang septum ventrikel dan kemudian ke aorta atau langsung ke aorta, mengabaikan lubang ini.
4. Karena jantung bagian kanan harus memompa sejumlah besar darah ke dalam aorta yang bertekanan tinggi, otot-ototnya akan sangat berkembang, seingga terjadi pembesaran ventrikel kanan
Sebanyak 75% darah vena yang kembali ke jantung dapat melintas langsung dari ventrikel kanan ke aorta tanpa mengalami oksigenasi.
Diagnosis tetralogi fallot biasanya berdasarkan atas :
1. Bayi sianotik
2. Tekanan sistolik ventrikel kanan tinggi sewaktu dilakukan perekaman dengan kateterisasi
3. Terdapat perubahan khas pada gambar radiologi jantung yang menunjukkan pembesaran ventrikel kanan.
4. Angiogram (gambaran sinar X) menunjukkan aliran darah abnormal yang melalui lubang septum intraventrikel dan masuk ke dalam aorta dan terdapat sedikit aliran melalui arteri pulmonal yang stenosis
Gambaran Klinis
Perubahan fisiologis yang terjadi tergantung dari variable, derajat obstruksi pulmonal, dan resistensi vascular sistemik. Sebagian besar pasien mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan, kadang terjadi sirkulasi kolateral keparu sehingga dapat mempertahankan pertumbuhan. Sianosis yang terjadi simetris, akibat pirau dari ventrikel kanan ke kiri melalui defek besar yang nonrestriktif.
Operasis reparasi biasanya dilakukan pada masa anak-anak, namun dapat saja ditemukan pada dewasa muda tanpa tindakan operasi sebelumnya.
Bentuk operasi adalah penutupan defek septum ventrikel dan menghilangkan obstruksi pulmonal. Upaya menghilangkan obstruksi ini dapat melui valvulotomi pulmonal, reseksi otot infudimbulum pada muara pulmonal, implantasi katup pulmonal baik homograft atau biprostese, atau operasi pintas ekstra kardiak antara ventrikel kanan dan arteri pulmonalis dan dapat pula dilakukan angioplasty pada arteri pulmonalis sentral.
Terapi medikamentosa, mencakup pemakaian antibiotika untuk mencegah endokarditis, penghambat beta untuk menurunkan frekuensi denyut jantung sehingga dapat menghindari spell dan bila diperlukan dilakukan flebotomi.
Referensi :
Guyton & Hall. Fisiologi Kedokteran, EGC : 1997
Langman, Embriologi Kedokteran
Moss. Jakarta : Pusat Penerbitan and Adams, Heart Diseases in Infant, Children, and Adolescents, Lippincot, 2008
PAPDI (Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam Indonesia). 2007. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Minggu, 09 Mei 2010
Urinary Tract Infections : Pathogenesis & Clinical Presentations
Most Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) result when bacteria gain access to the bladder via the urethtra. some strain of bacteria (e.g. E.Coli, Proteus) are uropathogenic. These strains have virulance genes that increase the likelihood of UTI (e.g. genes encoding fimbriae that mediate attachment to uroepithelial) cells). Upper tract disease occurs when bacteria ascend from the bladder.
Women prone to infections are colonized with enteric gram-negative bacili in the periurethral urea and distal urethra prior to bacteriuria. Alterations of the normal vaginal flora (e.g. due to antibiotic treatment, other genital infections, or contraceptive use) contribute to UTIs. Other risk factors include female gender, sexual activity, pregnancy, genitourinary obstruction, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, and vesicoureteral reflux. Hematogenous infection of the kidney is less common and occurs most often in debilitated patients or in setting of staphylococcal bacteremia or candidemia.
Clinical Presentations
a. Cystitis. Patients have dysuria, frequency, urgency, and suprapubic pain. Urine is cloudy, malodorous, and sometimes bloody. Systemic signs are usually absent. Approximately one-third of patients may have silent upper tract disease.
b. Acute pyelonephritis. Symptoms develop quickly over an interval lasting from hours to a day. Patients are febrile with shaking chills can have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms of cystitis may be absent. Marked tenderness may be evident on deep pressure in one or both costovertebral angles or on deep abdominal palpation.
c. Urethritis. Women with dysuria, frequency, and pyuria but no growth on bacterial urine cultures may have urethritis due to sexually transmitted pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoea, or herpes simplex virus. Patients with hematuria, suprapubic pain, an abrupt onset of illness, an illness duration of 3 days, and a history of UTIs along with a urine culture yielding low counts of E.coli or S. saprophyticus usually have cystitis.
d. Catheter associated UTIs. Most of these infections cause minimal symptoms and no fever, they often resolve after catheter removal. Treatment without catheter removal usually fails. Bacteriuria should be ignored unless the patient develop symptoms or is at high risk for bacteremia.
17th Edition Harrison's Manual of Medicine, Section 10. Chapter 155. Urinary Tract Infections. p. 815-816
for a more detailed, see Stamm WE : Urinary Tract Infections, Pyelonephritis, and Prostatitis. Chap.282,p.1820, in HPIM-17
Most Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) result when bacteria gain access to the bladder via the urethtra. some strain of bacteria (e.g. E.Coli, Proteus) are uropathogenic. These strains have virulance genes that increase the likelihood of UTI (e.g. genes encoding fimbriae that mediate attachment to uroepithelial) cells). Upper tract disease occurs when bacteria ascend from the bladder.
Women prone to infections are colonized with enteric gram-negative bacili in the periurethral urea and distal urethra prior to bacteriuria. Alterations of the normal vaginal flora (e.g. due to antibiotic treatment, other genital infections, or contraceptive use) contribute to UTIs. Other risk factors include female gender, sexual activity, pregnancy, genitourinary obstruction, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, and vesicoureteral reflux. Hematogenous infection of the kidney is less common and occurs most often in debilitated patients or in setting of staphylococcal bacteremia or candidemia.
Clinical Presentations
a. Cystitis. Patients have dysuria, frequency, urgency, and suprapubic pain. Urine is cloudy, malodorous, and sometimes bloody. Systemic signs are usually absent. Approximately one-third of patients may have silent upper tract disease.
b. Acute pyelonephritis. Symptoms develop quickly over an interval lasting from hours to a day. Patients are febrile with shaking chills can have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms of cystitis may be absent. Marked tenderness may be evident on deep pressure in one or both costovertebral angles or on deep abdominal palpation.
c. Urethritis. Women with dysuria, frequency, and pyuria but no growth on bacterial urine cultures may have urethritis due to sexually transmitted pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoea, or herpes simplex virus. Patients with hematuria, suprapubic pain, an abrupt onset of illness, an illness duration of 3 days, and a history of UTIs along with a urine culture yielding low counts of E.coli or S. saprophyticus usually have cystitis.
d. Catheter associated UTIs. Most of these infections cause minimal symptoms and no fever, they often resolve after catheter removal. Treatment without catheter removal usually fails. Bacteriuria should be ignored unless the patient develop symptoms or is at high risk for bacteremia.
17th Edition Harrison's Manual of Medicine, Section 10. Chapter 155. Urinary Tract Infections. p. 815-816
for a more detailed, see Stamm WE : Urinary Tract Infections, Pyelonephritis, and Prostatitis. Chap.282,p.1820, in HPIM-17
Selasa, 04 Mei 2010
Bleeding Disorders : Therapy
a. Thrombocytopenia caused by drugs
- Discontinue use of possible offending agents, except recovery in 7-10 days. Platelet transfusions may be needed if platelet count on < style="font-weight: bold;">b. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
- Discontinue heparin promptly.
- A direct thrombin inhibitor such as lepirudin (0,4-mg/kg bolus, 0,15-mg/kg per hour infusion, PTT target 1,5-2,5 x baseline) should be used for treatment of thromboses.
- Do not use low-molecular-weight heparin (LWMH), as antibodies often cross react.
c. Chronic ITP
- Prednison, initially 1-2 mg/kg per day, then slow taper to keep the platelet count > 60.000/µL.
- IV immunoglobulin (2 g/kg in devided doses oveeer 2-5 days) to block phagocytic destruction may be useful.
- Rituximab is effective in patients refractory to glucocorticoids.
- Splenectomy, danazol (androgen) or other agents (e.g., vincristine, cyclophosphamide, fludarabine) are indicated for refractory patients or those requiring >5-10 mg prednisone daily.
d. DIC
- Control of underlying disease most important, platelets, fresh frozen plasma (FFP) to correct clotting parameters.
- Heparin may be beneficial in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
e. TTP
- Plasmapheresis and FFP infusions (plasma exchange), possibly IV IgG, recovery in two-thirds of cases.
- Plasmapheresis removes inhibitors of the vWF cleavage enzyme (ADAMTS13), and FFP replaces the enzyme.
f. Disorders of Platelet Function
- Remove or reverse underying cause
- Dialysis and/or cryoprecipitate infusions (10 bags/24h) may be helpful for platelet dysfunction associated with uremia
g. Hemostatic Disorders
- Withdraw offending drugs, replace vitamin C, plasmapheresis, and plasma infusion for TTP.
h. Hemophilia A
- Factor VIII replacement for bleeding or befor surgical procedure, degree and duration of replacement depends on severity of bleeding.
- Give factor VIII (e.g. Recombinate) to obtain a 15% (for mild bleeding) to 50% (for severe bleeding) factor VIII level.
- The duration should range from a single dose of factor VIII to therapy bid for up to 2 weeks. Dose is calculated as follows
Factor VIII dose + (target level-baseline level) x weight (kg) x 0,5 unit/kg.
i. Hemophilia B
- Recombinant factor IX (e.g Benefix), FFP or factor IX concentrates (e.g., Proplex, Konyne).
- Because of the longer half-life, once daily treatment is sufficient.
- Dose is calculated as follows :
Factor IX dose = (Target level-baseline level) x weight (kg) x1 unit/kg
j. Von Willebrand Disease
- Desmopresin (1-deamino-8-D arginine vasopressin increases release of vWF from endothelial stores in type 1 vWD.
- It is given IV (0,3 µg/kg) or by nasal spray (2 squirts of 1,5 mg/mL luid in each nostril).
- For types 2A, 2M, and 3, cryoprecipitate (plasma product rich in factor VIII) or factor VIII concentrate (Humate-P, Koate HS) is used up to 10 bags bid 72 h, depending on severity of bleeding.
k. Vitamin K deficiency
- Vitamin K, 10 mg SC or slow IV
l. Liver Disease
- Fresh-frozen plasma
17th Edition Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, 2009 Chap. 68. Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders p. 332
For more detailed, see
Konkle BA : Bleeding and Thrombosis, Chap 59, p.363
Konkle BA : Disorders of platelets and Vessel Wall, chap 109, p. 718
Arruda V, High KA : Coagulation Disorders, chap 110, p.725
Weititz JI : Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Fibrionolytic Drugs, chap 112, p. 735, in HPIM-17
- Discontinue use of possible offending agents, except recovery in 7-10 days. Platelet transfusions may be needed if platelet count on < style="font-weight: bold;">b. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
- Discontinue heparin promptly.
- A direct thrombin inhibitor such as lepirudin (0,4-mg/kg bolus, 0,15-mg/kg per hour infusion, PTT target 1,5-2,5 x baseline) should be used for treatment of thromboses.
- Do not use low-molecular-weight heparin (LWMH), as antibodies often cross react.
c. Chronic ITP
- Prednison, initially 1-2 mg/kg per day, then slow taper to keep the platelet count > 60.000/µL.
- IV immunoglobulin (2 g/kg in devided doses oveeer 2-5 days) to block phagocytic destruction may be useful.
- Rituximab is effective in patients refractory to glucocorticoids.
- Splenectomy, danazol (androgen) or other agents (e.g., vincristine, cyclophosphamide, fludarabine) are indicated for refractory patients or those requiring >5-10 mg prednisone daily.
d. DIC
- Control of underlying disease most important, platelets, fresh frozen plasma (FFP) to correct clotting parameters.
- Heparin may be beneficial in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
e. TTP
- Plasmapheresis and FFP infusions (plasma exchange), possibly IV IgG, recovery in two-thirds of cases.
- Plasmapheresis removes inhibitors of the vWF cleavage enzyme (ADAMTS13), and FFP replaces the enzyme.
f. Disorders of Platelet Function
- Remove or reverse underying cause
- Dialysis and/or cryoprecipitate infusions (10 bags/24h) may be helpful for platelet dysfunction associated with uremia
g. Hemostatic Disorders
- Withdraw offending drugs, replace vitamin C, plasmapheresis, and plasma infusion for TTP.
h. Hemophilia A
- Factor VIII replacement for bleeding or befor surgical procedure, degree and duration of replacement depends on severity of bleeding.
- Give factor VIII (e.g. Recombinate) to obtain a 15% (for mild bleeding) to 50% (for severe bleeding) factor VIII level.
- The duration should range from a single dose of factor VIII to therapy bid for up to 2 weeks. Dose is calculated as follows
Factor VIII dose + (target level-baseline level) x weight (kg) x 0,5 unit/kg.
i. Hemophilia B
- Recombinant factor IX (e.g Benefix), FFP or factor IX concentrates (e.g., Proplex, Konyne).
- Because of the longer half-life, once daily treatment is sufficient.
- Dose is calculated as follows :
Factor IX dose = (Target level-baseline level) x weight (kg) x1 unit/kg
j. Von Willebrand Disease
- Desmopresin (1-deamino-8-D arginine vasopressin increases release of vWF from endothelial stores in type 1 vWD.
- It is given IV (0,3 µg/kg) or by nasal spray (2 squirts of 1,5 mg/mL luid in each nostril).
- For types 2A, 2M, and 3, cryoprecipitate (plasma product rich in factor VIII) or factor VIII concentrate (Humate-P, Koate HS) is used up to 10 bags bid 72 h, depending on severity of bleeding.
k. Vitamin K deficiency
- Vitamin K, 10 mg SC or slow IV
l. Liver Disease
- Fresh-frozen plasma
17th Edition Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, 2009 Chap. 68. Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders p. 332
For more detailed, see
Konkle BA : Bleeding and Thrombosis, Chap 59, p.363
Konkle BA : Disorders of platelets and Vessel Wall, chap 109, p. 718
Arruda V, High KA : Coagulation Disorders, chap 110, p.725
Weititz JI : Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Fibrionolytic Drugs, chap 112, p. 735, in HPIM-17
Bleeding Disorders
Bleeding may result from abnormalities of
1. Platelets
2. Blood vessel walls
3. Coagulation.
Platelets disorders characteristically produce petechial and purpuric skin lesions and bleeding from mucosal surfaces. Defective coagulation results in ecchymoses, hematomas, and muscosal and, in some disorders, recurrent joint bleeding (hemarthroses).
Platelet Disorders
Normal platelet count is 150.000-350.000/µL. Bleeding time, a measurement of platelet function, is abnormally increased if platelet count < 100.000/µL, injury or surgery may provoke excess bleeding. Spontaneous bleeding is unsual unless count < 20.000/µL, platelet count < 10.000/µL is often associated with serious hemorrhage. Bone marrow examination shows increased number of megakaryocytes in disorders associated with accelerated platelet destruction, decreased number in disorders of platelet production.
1. Production defects such as marrow injury (e.g. drugs, radiation), marrow failure (e.g., aplastic anemia), marrow invasion (e.g., carcinoma, leukemia, fibrosis).
2. Sequestration due to splenomegaly.
3. Accelerated destruction- causes include :
a. Drugs such as chemotherapeutic agents, thiazides, ethanol, estrogens, sulfonamides, quinidine, quinine, methyldopa.
b. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenic is seen in 5% of patients receiving >5 days of therapy and is due to in vivo platelet aggregation often from anti-platelet factor 4 antibodies. Arterial and occasionally venous thromboses may result.
c. Autoimmune destruction by an antibody mechanism, may be idiopathic or associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lymphoma, HIV>
d. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) has two forms, an acute, self-limited disorder of childhood requiring no specific therapy, and a chronic disorder of adults (esp. woman 20-40 years). Chronic ITP may be due to autoantibodies to glycoprotein IIb-IIa or glycoprotein Ib-IX complexes.
e. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)-platelet consumption with coagulation factor depletion [prolonged prothrombin time (PT), partiaol thromboplastin time (PTT)] and stimulation of fibrinolysis [generation of fibrin split products (FSPs)}. Blood smear shows microangipathic hemolysis (schistocytes). Cause include infection (esp. meningococcal, pneumococcal, gram-negative bacteremias), extensive burns, trauma, or thrombosis, giant hemangioma, retained dead fetus, heat stroke, mismatched blood transfusion, metastatic carcinoma, acute promyelocytic leukemia.
f. Thormbotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)-rare disorder characterized by microangipathic hemolytic anemia, fever, thrombocytopenia, renal dysfunction (and/or hematuria), and neurolofic dysfunction caused by failure to cleave von Willebrand factor (vWF) normally.
g. Hemorrhage with extensive transfusion.
Platelet clumping secondary to collection of blood in EDTA (0,3% of patients). Examination of blood smear establishes diagnosis.
Platelet count >350.000/µL. Either primary (essential thrombocytosis) or secondary (reactive), later secondary to severe hemorrhage, iron deficiency, surgery, after splenectomy (transient), malignant neoplasms (esp. Hodgkin’s disease, polycythemia vera), chronic inflammatory disease (e.g. inflamatory bowel disease), recovery from acute infection, vitamin B12 deficiency, drugs (e.g., vincritistine, epinephrine). Rebound thrombocytosis may occur after marrow recovery from cytotoxic agents, alcohol. Primary thrombocytosis may be complicated by bleeding and /or thrombosis, secondary rarely causes hemostatic problems.
Disorders of Platelet Function
Suggested by the finding of prolonged bleeding time with normal platelet count. Defect is in platelet adhesion, aggregation, or granule release. Causes include :
1. Drugs-aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, heparin, penicillin, esp. carbenicillin,ticarcillin.
2. Uremia
3. Cirrhosis
4. Dysproteinemias
5. Myeloproliferative and myelodyplastic disorders
6. Von Willebrand disease
7. Cardiopulmonary bypass
Hemostatic Disorders Due to Blood Vessel Wall Defects
Causes include :
1. Aging
2. Drugs – e.g., glucocorticoid (chronic therapy), penicillins, sulfonamides.
3. Vitamin C deficiency
4. TTP
5. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
6. Henoch-Schonlein purpura
7. Paraproteinemias
8. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Rendu-Weber disease)
Disorders of Blood Coagulation
Congenital Disorders
1. Hemophilia A-incidence 1:5000, sex-linked recessive deficiency of factor VIII (low plasma factor VIII (low plasma factor VIII coagulant activity, but normal amount of factor VIII-related antigen-vWF). Laboratory features, elevated PTT, normal PT).
2. Hemophilia B (Christmas disease)-incidence 1:30.000, sex linked recessive, due to factor IX deficiency. Clinical and laboratory features similar to hemophilia A.
3. Von Willebrand disease-most common inherited coagulation disorder (1:800-1000), usually autosomal dominant, primary defect is reduced synthesis or chemically abnormal factor VIII-related antigen produced by platelets and endothelium, resulting in abnormal platelet function.
Acquired Disorders
1. Vitamin K deficiency-impairs production of factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X, vitamin K is a cofactor in carboxylation of glutamate residues on prothrombin complex proteins, major source of vitamin K is dietary (esp. green vegetables), with minor production by gut bacteria. Laboratory features : elevated PT and PTT.
2. Liver disease – results in deficiencies of all clotting factor except VIII. Laboratory features : elevated PT, normal or elevated PTT.
3. Other disorders-DIC, fibrinogen deficiency (liver disease,L-asparaginase therapy, rattlesnake bites), other factor deficiencies, circulating anticoagulants (lymphoma, SLE, idiopathic), massive transfusion coagulopathy).
17th Edition Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, 2009 Chap. 68. Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders p. 332
For more detailed, see
Konkle BA : Bleeding and Thrombosis, Chap 59, p.363
Konkle BA : Disorders of platelets and Vessel Wall, chap 109, p. 718
Arruda V, High KA : Coagulation Disorders, chap 110, p.725
Weititz JI : Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Fibrionolytic Drugs, chap 112, p. 735, in HPIM-17
1. Platelets
2. Blood vessel walls
3. Coagulation.
Platelets disorders characteristically produce petechial and purpuric skin lesions and bleeding from mucosal surfaces. Defective coagulation results in ecchymoses, hematomas, and muscosal and, in some disorders, recurrent joint bleeding (hemarthroses).
Platelet Disorders
Normal platelet count is 150.000-350.000/µL. Bleeding time, a measurement of platelet function, is abnormally increased if platelet count < 100.000/µL, injury or surgery may provoke excess bleeding. Spontaneous bleeding is unsual unless count < 20.000/µL, platelet count < 10.000/µL is often associated with serious hemorrhage. Bone marrow examination shows increased number of megakaryocytes in disorders associated with accelerated platelet destruction, decreased number in disorders of platelet production.
1. Production defects such as marrow injury (e.g. drugs, radiation), marrow failure (e.g., aplastic anemia), marrow invasion (e.g., carcinoma, leukemia, fibrosis).
2. Sequestration due to splenomegaly.
3. Accelerated destruction- causes include :
a. Drugs such as chemotherapeutic agents, thiazides, ethanol, estrogens, sulfonamides, quinidine, quinine, methyldopa.
b. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenic is seen in 5% of patients receiving >5 days of therapy and is due to in vivo platelet aggregation often from anti-platelet factor 4 antibodies. Arterial and occasionally venous thromboses may result.
c. Autoimmune destruction by an antibody mechanism, may be idiopathic or associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lymphoma, HIV>
d. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) has two forms, an acute, self-limited disorder of childhood requiring no specific therapy, and a chronic disorder of adults (esp. woman 20-40 years). Chronic ITP may be due to autoantibodies to glycoprotein IIb-IIa or glycoprotein Ib-IX complexes.
e. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)-platelet consumption with coagulation factor depletion [prolonged prothrombin time (PT), partiaol thromboplastin time (PTT)] and stimulation of fibrinolysis [generation of fibrin split products (FSPs)}. Blood smear shows microangipathic hemolysis (schistocytes). Cause include infection (esp. meningococcal, pneumococcal, gram-negative bacteremias), extensive burns, trauma, or thrombosis, giant hemangioma, retained dead fetus, heat stroke, mismatched blood transfusion, metastatic carcinoma, acute promyelocytic leukemia.
f. Thormbotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)-rare disorder characterized by microangipathic hemolytic anemia, fever, thrombocytopenia, renal dysfunction (and/or hematuria), and neurolofic dysfunction caused by failure to cleave von Willebrand factor (vWF) normally.
g. Hemorrhage with extensive transfusion.
Platelet clumping secondary to collection of blood in EDTA (0,3% of patients). Examination of blood smear establishes diagnosis.
Platelet count >350.000/µL. Either primary (essential thrombocytosis) or secondary (reactive), later secondary to severe hemorrhage, iron deficiency, surgery, after splenectomy (transient), malignant neoplasms (esp. Hodgkin’s disease, polycythemia vera), chronic inflammatory disease (e.g. inflamatory bowel disease), recovery from acute infection, vitamin B12 deficiency, drugs (e.g., vincritistine, epinephrine). Rebound thrombocytosis may occur after marrow recovery from cytotoxic agents, alcohol. Primary thrombocytosis may be complicated by bleeding and /or thrombosis, secondary rarely causes hemostatic problems.
Disorders of Platelet Function
Suggested by the finding of prolonged bleeding time with normal platelet count. Defect is in platelet adhesion, aggregation, or granule release. Causes include :
1. Drugs-aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, heparin, penicillin, esp. carbenicillin,ticarcillin.
2. Uremia
3. Cirrhosis
4. Dysproteinemias
5. Myeloproliferative and myelodyplastic disorders
6. Von Willebrand disease
7. Cardiopulmonary bypass
Hemostatic Disorders Due to Blood Vessel Wall Defects
Causes include :
1. Aging
2. Drugs – e.g., glucocorticoid (chronic therapy), penicillins, sulfonamides.
3. Vitamin C deficiency
4. TTP
5. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
6. Henoch-Schonlein purpura
7. Paraproteinemias
8. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Rendu-Weber disease)
Disorders of Blood Coagulation
Congenital Disorders
1. Hemophilia A-incidence 1:5000, sex-linked recessive deficiency of factor VIII (low plasma factor VIII (low plasma factor VIII coagulant activity, but normal amount of factor VIII-related antigen-vWF). Laboratory features, elevated PTT, normal PT).
2. Hemophilia B (Christmas disease)-incidence 1:30.000, sex linked recessive, due to factor IX deficiency. Clinical and laboratory features similar to hemophilia A.
3. Von Willebrand disease-most common inherited coagulation disorder (1:800-1000), usually autosomal dominant, primary defect is reduced synthesis or chemically abnormal factor VIII-related antigen produced by platelets and endothelium, resulting in abnormal platelet function.
Acquired Disorders
1. Vitamin K deficiency-impairs production of factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X, vitamin K is a cofactor in carboxylation of glutamate residues on prothrombin complex proteins, major source of vitamin K is dietary (esp. green vegetables), with minor production by gut bacteria. Laboratory features : elevated PT and PTT.
2. Liver disease – results in deficiencies of all clotting factor except VIII. Laboratory features : elevated PT, normal or elevated PTT.
3. Other disorders-DIC, fibrinogen deficiency (liver disease,L-asparaginase therapy, rattlesnake bites), other factor deficiencies, circulating anticoagulants (lymphoma, SLE, idiopathic), massive transfusion coagulopathy).
17th Edition Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, 2009 Chap. 68. Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders p. 332
For more detailed, see
Konkle BA : Bleeding and Thrombosis, Chap 59, p.363
Konkle BA : Disorders of platelets and Vessel Wall, chap 109, p. 718
Arruda V, High KA : Coagulation Disorders, chap 110, p.725
Weititz JI : Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Fibrionolytic Drugs, chap 112, p. 735, in HPIM-17
Senin, 03 Mei 2010
Common Causes of Chronic Renal Failure
- Diabetic Nephropathy
- Hypertensive nephrosclerosis
- Glomerulonephritis
- Renovascular disease (ischaemic nephropaty)
- Polycistic kidney disease
- Reflux nephropathy and other congenital renal diseases
- Interstitial nephritis, including analgesic nephropathy
- HIV-associated nephropathy
- Transplant allograft failure
The first step in differential diagnosis of CKD is establishing its chronicity, i.e., disproving a major acute component. The two most common means of determining disease chornicity are the history and prior laboratory data (if available) and the renal ultrasound, which is used to measure kidney size. In general, kidneys that have shrunk (<10-11,5 cm, depending on body size) are more likely affected by chronic disease.
While reasonably specific (few false positives), reduced kidney size is only a moderately sensitive marker for CKD,i.e., ther are several relatively common conditions in which kidney disease may be chronic without any reduction in renal disease. Diabetic neuropathy, HIV-associated nephropathy, and infiltrative disease such as multiple myeloma may in fact be associated with relatively large kidneys depite chronicity. Renal biopsy, although rarely performed in patients with CKD, is a more reliable means of proving chronicity, a predominance of glomerulosclerosis or interstitial fibrosis argues strongly for chronic disease. Hyperphosphatemia and other metabolic derangements are not reliable indicators in distinguishing acute from chronic disease. Once chronicity has been established, clues from the physical exam, laboratory panel, and urine sediment evaluation can be used to determine etiology. A detailed Hx will identify important comorbid conditions, such as diabetes, HIV Seropositivity or peripheral vascular disease. The family Hx is paramaount in the workup of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease or hereditary nephritis (Alport Syndrome). An occupational Hx may reveal exposure to environmental toxins or culprit drugs (including over-the-counter agents, such as analgesics or Chinese herbs).
Physical exam may demonstrate abdominal masses (i.e., polycystic kidneys), diminished pulses or femoral/carotid bruits (i.e., atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease), or an abdominal bruit (i.e., renovascular disease). The Hx and exam may also yield important data regarding severity of disease. The presence of foreshortened fingers (due to resorption of the distal phalangela tufts) and/or subcutaneous nodules may be seen with advanced CKD and the secondary hyperparathyroidism. Excorations (uremic pruritus), pallor (anemia), muscle wasting, and a nitrogenous fetor are all signs of advanced CKD, as are pericarditis, pleuritis, and aterixis, complications of particular concern that usually prompt the initiation of dialysis.
Laboratory Findings
Serum and urine laboratory findings typically provide additional information useful in determining the etiology and severity of CKD. Heavy proteiunuria (>3,5g/d), hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia, edema suggest nephritic syndrome. Diabetic nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, focal segmental glomerlusclerosis, minimal change disease, amyloid, and HIV-associated nephropathy are principal causes. Proteinuria may decrease slightly with decreasing GFR but rarely to normal levels. Hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis may complicate all forms of CKD eventually but can be mor prominent int patiensis with interstitial renal disease.
17th Edition Harrison’s Manual of Medicine
For a more detailed discussion, see Bargman JM, Skorecki K : Chronic Kidney Disease, chap. 274, p.1761, in HPIM-17
- Diabetic Nephropathy
- Hypertensive nephrosclerosis
- Glomerulonephritis
- Renovascular disease (ischaemic nephropaty)
- Polycistic kidney disease
- Reflux nephropathy and other congenital renal diseases
- Interstitial nephritis, including analgesic nephropathy
- HIV-associated nephropathy
- Transplant allograft failure
The first step in differential diagnosis of CKD is establishing its chronicity, i.e., disproving a major acute component. The two most common means of determining disease chornicity are the history and prior laboratory data (if available) and the renal ultrasound, which is used to measure kidney size. In general, kidneys that have shrunk (<10-11,5 cm, depending on body size) are more likely affected by chronic disease.
While reasonably specific (few false positives), reduced kidney size is only a moderately sensitive marker for CKD,i.e., ther are several relatively common conditions in which kidney disease may be chronic without any reduction in renal disease. Diabetic neuropathy, HIV-associated nephropathy, and infiltrative disease such as multiple myeloma may in fact be associated with relatively large kidneys depite chronicity. Renal biopsy, although rarely performed in patients with CKD, is a more reliable means of proving chronicity, a predominance of glomerulosclerosis or interstitial fibrosis argues strongly for chronic disease. Hyperphosphatemia and other metabolic derangements are not reliable indicators in distinguishing acute from chronic disease. Once chronicity has been established, clues from the physical exam, laboratory panel, and urine sediment evaluation can be used to determine etiology. A detailed Hx will identify important comorbid conditions, such as diabetes, HIV Seropositivity or peripheral vascular disease. The family Hx is paramaount in the workup of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease or hereditary nephritis (Alport Syndrome). An occupational Hx may reveal exposure to environmental toxins or culprit drugs (including over-the-counter agents, such as analgesics or Chinese herbs).
Physical exam may demonstrate abdominal masses (i.e., polycystic kidneys), diminished pulses or femoral/carotid bruits (i.e., atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease), or an abdominal bruit (i.e., renovascular disease). The Hx and exam may also yield important data regarding severity of disease. The presence of foreshortened fingers (due to resorption of the distal phalangela tufts) and/or subcutaneous nodules may be seen with advanced CKD and the secondary hyperparathyroidism. Excorations (uremic pruritus), pallor (anemia), muscle wasting, and a nitrogenous fetor are all signs of advanced CKD, as are pericarditis, pleuritis, and aterixis, complications of particular concern that usually prompt the initiation of dialysis.
Laboratory Findings
Serum and urine laboratory findings typically provide additional information useful in determining the etiology and severity of CKD. Heavy proteiunuria (>3,5g/d), hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia, edema suggest nephritic syndrome. Diabetic nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, focal segmental glomerlusclerosis, minimal change disease, amyloid, and HIV-associated nephropathy are principal causes. Proteinuria may decrease slightly with decreasing GFR but rarely to normal levels. Hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis may complicate all forms of CKD eventually but can be mor prominent int patiensis with interstitial renal disease.
17th Edition Harrison’s Manual of Medicine
For a more detailed discussion, see Bargman JM, Skorecki K : Chronic Kidney Disease, chap. 274, p.1761, in HPIM-17
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